Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Parenting the Dream

I always tell people that opening a new business is much like deciding to have a baby.  You do all the research, read every manual you can get your hands on, take classes, go to workshops, seek advice from people who have done it before and plan, plan, plan.  You do everything you need to do to be prepared, and then Grand Opening Day comes and the fun begins. 
Much like bringing home a new baby, there have been long days, sleepless nights, and financial and social sacrifices.  I am at the store 10 - 12 hours a day/6 days a week, tending to the needs of my "baby business".  And every day, I learn something new that wasn't revealed to me in a manual or class.  I LOVE my new store and wouldn't trade this experience for anything.  And on the days when I stress about it, I think about my teenagers, and the journey we've been on...the sleepless nights when they were babies and the financial, social and emotional roller coaster ride we've endured.  And I am comforted knowing what great kids they are.  I now hope to nurture my baby business into such success.  I know throughout the years to come, there will be amazingly great days, and days full of worry and frustration in raising my "babies" and my "baby business".  And I'll enjoy the journey every step of the way...I am after all, Livin' the Dream!

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